Plataforma de streaming

Lea atentamente los términos de uso de este servicio

Last updated on: 12-Mar-2024.

Please be sure you have read and understood all our Terms and Conditions of use before subscribing to our services.

Once you have subscribed to our services, your full acceptance of our policies, as a client, will be recorded to the RADIOBOX HOSTING LLC database.

BRLOGIC is a RADIOBOX HOSTING LLC brand and some services may be provided under BRLOGIC name.


How does it work?

Streaming is a form of audio transmission through a computer network, without the need to download audio or video content. The reproduction device receives and reproduces a transmission instantaneously to the listener, without storing the data itself.

Through streaming, the information is transferred in a continuous flow of data through a server. A decoder is any specific player or plugin that works as part of an internet browser or application with internet access. The server, the information flow, and the decoder work together so that people can listen to live or pre-recorded transmissions.

1.1 - Live Streaming

Requirements for good quality streaming:

  • A good physical structure, a computer properly configured and a sound card, if you wish to use one.
  • The computer used for streaming must have the correct and updated sound card drivers installed for all the available functions to work.
  • The use of broadband internet (ADSL, CABLE or FIBER-OPTIC network) is recommended for streaming. 3G, 4G, radio wave and satellite connections are unstable; therefore RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC does not offer technical support in case of failures in the transmission such as cuts in the audio or buffering.
  • It is important to know the speed of the internet connections used for streaming, since it is impossible to guarantee streaming without cuts or failures in slow internet connections.
  • We recommend a speed and stability test of your connection to check if they meet the requirements for streaming.

The RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC servers do not allow transmissions in higher bitrates (audio quality) than those offered with the subscribed plan.

1.2 - Streaming through Auto DJ

All RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC streaming plans include Auto DJ.
The Auto DJ feature includes storage space for audio files aimed for streaming. The amount of storage space is set depending on your choice of contracted streaming plan.

Only files in MP3 (.mp3) format can be stored, other formats are not allowed. It is not allowed to use the storage for any other purposes other than storing MP3 files for Auto DJ use.

The Auto DJ is an on demand streaming tool. Its use for storage and backup of audio files is not allowed.

Though RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC makes safety backups of your system, this cannot be guaranteed, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC cannot be held responsible in case of catastrophic data loss from the client's part, and under no circumstances will copies of sent files be provided to the client.

1.3 - Additional Services

Additional Services will be made available through contracting the streaming plan and they cannot be used separately. Payment of the streaming service is essential for availability of these additional services, with the exception of the web domain which requires a separate registration from the streaming contract.

1.3.1 - Website

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC provides to its clients, who subscribe to a streaming service, a full website, free of charge. The available themes for the website may vary depending on the features of the subscribed plan.

1.3.2 - Web Domain Registration

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC provides domain name registration (.com and .net) at a promotional price to be used with the website hosting service provided with the subscription plan, upon payment of the registration fee specified in the subscription form. The domain refers to the ADDRESS through which the website will be accessed,it is not the website itself.

The domain name is registered with a partner company, one business day after the payment settlement. Due to the payment settlement period, or in the event that the chosen domain is not available, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will notify the client, who will have the option of choosing another domain name or receive a refund.

If the website is no longer used, the domain can, at the criteria of the client; be used on another hosting service (pointing the nameservers), upon request; or have your domain name transferred permanently. In the event that the client chooses to renew the domain through RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC, without using it for a RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC service, the renewal will be charged in full, not at the promotional price.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC reserves the right to not register a domain name when it is identified that it is not for use in the website hosting service provided with the subscription plan.

The client will be held responsible in the event of any potential lawsuits or arbitration procedures, as well as possible penalties that may result from them for misuses of, personal names, corporate names, or any other term that may refer to a person or corporate name, character or any piece of work protected by right of ownership or the violation of industrial or intellectual rights in rights.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC does not assume responsibility, and will not provide help in any sense (material, technical, legal or financial) in the event of arbitration procedures or legal lawsuits in any country.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will exercise its 'right to recourse' if sentenced to pay any amount of money resulting from client misconduct, or any of its representatives. - Domain Name Renewal

The domain names are renewed every 12 months, upon payment of the renewal fee. As it is an international extension, the renewal fee price may fluctuate due to the exchange rate of currencies. The renewal fee will be charged in local currency, when the local currency is available, or in a currency previously chosen by the client.

1.3.3 - E-mails

To use the email service, it is mandatory that the subscribed plan has this feature, in addition, the Website must have a domain name configured. Each email account has 1GB of disk space for storing messages and the number of email accounts depends on the chosen plan.This service uses a shared server and all users are expected to behave well to ensure its full operation. - Prohibited practices and behaviours

  • SPAM: is defined as the sending of unsolicited e-mails. In addition, unsolicited emails are increasingly ignored by recipients and increase the rejection of email providers against the companies that send them. Thus, even commercially, spam is something to be repudiated.
  • Transactional email: emails sent automatically, usually related to some service (password recovery, billing, etc.).
  • Marketing emails: newsletter, promoting content and related emails.

In the event of a violation of the policies above, the customer will be notified and the email service suspended for 24 (TWENTY-FOUR) hours. In the event of a repeat offense, the email service will be canceled.

It is allowed to send transactional or marketing emails using external tools or services, which do NOT use the email service provided by RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC.

In the case of spam, this rule is also valid even if RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC SMTP servers are not used to send emails, but were sent with the purpose of publicizing a website hosted on our servers.

1.3.4 - App

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC, at its own criteria, provides Android applications and Web apps in some plans, and as an additional feature in plans that do not have it by default, upon prior negotiation. - Publishing the App

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC provides two types of applications:

  • Web App (available for Android, iOS & PC users);
  • Android app (available on Google Play).

A Web App is a type of application available to users of Android, iOS & PC, installed from a compatible browser and does not need an app store to be published. Its installation is done immediately, without the approval of a validation team or any related bureaucracy.

The Android application is published on Google Play to be available for download for users using Android smartphones. Google Play has policies for publishing applications, which include prohibiting unauthorized use of content protected by copyright and the impersonation of another application or service.

Google Play unilaterally and periodically defines minimum Android version criteria that an application must meet in order to be published or updated. These criteria vary for new applications and already published applications. RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will provide the application in accordance with Google Play's requirements and the necessary resources for the features used in the application.

The analysis of the application sent to Google Play is carried out by the application store itself and may or may not be approved.

In some cases, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will request a signed and digitized document from the person responsible for the radio, informing the app store the SERVICE PROVIDER (RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC) is authorized to submit and upload an app on the client's behalf. The submission and upload of the app depend on this document; in the absence of the said document, the app will not be provided.

If the app is not approved, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will do what is possible to aid the client in publishing the app. However, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC cannot guarantee the approval of the app, since RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC does not take part in evaluating apps submitted to their respective app stores.

Android app publishing will not be available during the trial period. The publishing function will be activated exclusively after the payment confirmation of the plan chosen by the customer. - Removal of apps

Google Play has full control over the Android app and can, unilaterally, remove it without notice. If this occurs, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will contact the client so they can make the necessary adjustments, in which case another app can be published. App store approval cannot be guaranteed.

1.3.5 - Short programs

Short programs are audio contents, provided at RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC's discretion in some plans and as an extra feature on plans that do not have it by default, upon prior negotiation.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC reserves the right to end the production of any short program at its own exclusive will.

The short programs must be used exclusively on the client's radio. The sale and distribution of short programs are strictly prohibited.

The client must pay attention to contents marked with a tag indicating exclusive use for Auto DJ. These contents cannot be used outside of AUTO DJ, meaning they cannot be downloaded and used in live broadcasts.

1.3.6 - Alexa Skill

An Alexa Skill is a voice application that adds extra functionalities to the Alexa voice assistant. Essentially, it functions as a "plugin" that extends Alexa's capabilities, allowing it to perform tasks or interact with specific services.

The Alexa Skill developed by RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC is an additional service that enables adding the web radio to Alexa. By using voice commands, it's possible to initiate the web radio playback directly on Alexa-compatible devices, such as Echo smart speakers.

The Alexa Skill must be manually activated (once) in the listener's Amazon account who wishes to use it. Once activated, all Alexa-supported devices logged into the same account can invoke the Skill.

The Alexa Skill is a separately contracted service. Below are the rules and restrictions for publishing an Alexa Skill:

  • 1. Providing a name, logo, and invocation phrase is required. The phrase must be in the language and locale of the Skill and cannot contain slang or names protected by copyright. Terms not in the Alexa word library will not be accepted.
  • 2. Publication will occur in the Amazon store of the web radio's country, limiting Skill installation to listeners in the same region. For countries without an official Amazon store, the Alexa Skill is published in the store indicated in Amazon's official documentation.
  • 3. Approval depends solely on Amazon's review team. They consider not only the technical details of Skill operation but also the web radio name, logo, and invocation phrase. The review involves searching for terms not in the Alexa word library and possible infringements of laws or misuse of trademarks and copyrights. There is no guarantee of approval for the publication of the Alexa Skill. Our technical team will provide all necessary support to address any rejections.


When selecting a subscription plan, the customer can choose to test it for up to 7 days or subscribe to it immediately. Check out how each mode works below.

2.1 - Trial - Free trial for seven days

The customer chooses the plan he wants to test and informs a valid credit card to receive the free trial period.

During the trial period, no value will be charged and the customer can cancel it by accessing their RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC Account, at any time, within the 7-day free period.

At the end of the free period, the subscription will take effect and the value of the selected plan will be charged on the credit card informed.

Until the subscription takes effect, it will not be possible to register domains, use your own email services or publish Android applications.

If the customer wishes the subscription to take effect before the trial ends, he can make the payment manually, accessing his RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC Account and using any payment method available.

2.2 - Subscription without trial

If the customer does not want to use the free trial period, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC provides additional payment methods for immediate activation of the subscription. In this modality, the subscription takes effect immediately after payment confirmation.


Payment for the subscription and renewal of the service shall be made by the client, on its due date, considering the date of service activation for such.

Payment will be made based on the frequency chosen in the act of the subscription (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual or Annual), and will be paid in advance.

The services contracted by private individuals or legal entities do not include taxes imposed on their respective countries, being the client responsible for these payments when applicable.

The present Terms and Conditions are extended indefinitely, upon payment confirmation for service continuation.

Payment must be made exclusively through the methods available in the RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC account. RADIOBOX does not accept other forms of payment.

A lack of payment by the client, for any reason, shall be seen by the SERVICE PROVIDER, as a lack of interest in the continuation of the services, being possible for the latter to suspend or cancel the services.

It is possible for the client, at any moment before cancellation, to request the reactivation of the service upon payment.

3.1 - Suspension

3.1.1 - Streaming Service

Seven days after failure to pay, the services will be interrupted, including any additional resources (such as website, app, etc), WITHOUT NEED OF NOTICE, not exempting the client from contract renewal charges.

Access of any file, information, control panel and additional features available in the client's service account will be blocked or suspended. RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC may alter any password it deems necessary.

Service will be reactivated in one business day following payment confirmation.

Days of suspended service SHALL NOT BE SUBTRACTED or COMPENSATED in future charges.

3.1.2 - Domains

Domain deactivation occurs one year following its registration, if not renewed until its due date.

If deactivated, the domain will no longer access the website. In this case, its renewal is necessary to reestablish access. The domain renewal shall only be made ensuing payment confirmation.

It is important to emphasize that Domain Name deactivation is done automatically by the REGISTRAR; RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC holds no power over it.

We recommend that the domain renewal be made in advance in order to avoid access interruption.


4.1 - Trial - Free trial for seven days

Cancellation can be done by accessing your RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC Account, until the seventh day of the test. After this period, the subscription will take effect and the selected plan value will be charged to the credit card informed.

4.2 - Of the Streaming Service

Cancelation of the streaming service shall result in the cancelation of all additional services, except domain registration.

Cancelation may occur due to any of the following:

4.2.1 - For Absence of payment for more than 30 days

30 days past the payment due date, the service shall be canceled and RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will proceed to delete all data and files linked to the streaming service contained in the defaulting client's account.

4.2.2 - Upon Client Request

Upon cancellation request, the service will still be available for the paid period, except if the client requests the immediate cancellation. Periods of service not utilized will, under no circumstances be refunded or compensated.

4.2.3 - For Terms and Conditions violations

Once notified of any violation, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC reserves the exclusive right of canceling the service of clients that violate policies of use, intellectual property or any other right safe kept by the USA Law.

If the cancellation is made due to a violation of the usage policies, there will be no refund of the amounts paid.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC also reserves the right not to accept new contracts from the ownership of infringing accounts.

4.3 - Of the Domain

4.3.1 - For absence of renewal payment

In the absence of renewal payment, the domain will be canceled 30 days after its deactivation.

We emphasize that the cancellation of the domain is done automatically by the REGISTRAR following expirations; RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC has no control over this. It is not possible to reactivate a canceled domain.

Once canceled, the domain may become available for registration by a third party according to the rules of each registration entity; RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC holds no power, will, or fault in such an event.

4.3.2 - Upon Client Request

The client may request domain cancellation. However, in such a case, cancellation shall only be made effective following the cancellation of the domain contract with RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC. The effective domain cancellation shall only take place automatically, following its expiration.


The client is aware that RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will not provide backup of the streaming platform, any data or content provided, created or uploaded by the client, or any of additional features following service cancellation; being the client the sole responsible for content backup prior to service suspension.

Upon terminating the streaming plan subscription, the provision of additional services such as the website, emails, short programs, applications, and skills shall also cease. The data stored on the RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC platform is non-transferable.


Contract alteration may be made at any time. RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will not make any additional charge, except the proportion of the altered service plan, for the alternation from one service plan to another whenever the client requests it. The additional services will be activated only once RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC receives confirmation of initial payment.


Periodic price readjustment will occur annually, based on the date of the streaming plan subscription, without the need of prior notification, and will be applied based on the main streaming plan.

In addition to the periodic readjustment, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC reserves the rights to adjust the subscriptions plans prices charged at any time, by notifying the customer 30 (THIRDY) days in prior the date in which the new price will be charged, for the recovery of the initial economic-financial balance in case of elevation of the necessary supplies for the provision of the services or, in the event that, later, other taxes fees tariffs, charges contributions, including fiscal or parafiscal, social security or labor related and, also, if current tax rates are modified.

7.1 - Price readjustment in contracts during promotional periods

Contracts in promotional periods will be offered exclusively on a monthly basis and will be automatically readjusted, as specified in the offer available on our website.


8.1 - Source Code, hosting, access, and administration

The system files (source codes) are the exclusive property of RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC and will not be provided for the client.

Hosting is provided free of charge and is exclusive for the streaming platform and its features, including any additional one. Access to the server that hosts the streaming platform (host panels, FTP, SSH, etc) shall not be granted. The access to the streaming platform source code shall not be granted under any circumstance.

The system administration shall be done exclusively through the streaming platform, being accessed through your RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC account. It is not possible to host a streaming platform, totally or partially, at another provider; this includes additional services. RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC is the only company responsible for hosting.

8.2 - Intellectual Property

The visual identity, as well as the brand, logo, domain name, or any other distinctive signs of RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC, are the exclusive property of RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC.

The use of RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC's services does not grant the customer any rights to this intellectual property, nor does it grant any rights to the software, application, or functionalities employed by RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC.

It is expressly prohibited to:

  • a) Copy or alter RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC's intellectual property in any way;
  • b) Perform reverse engineering, decompilation, or similar activities;
  • c) Remove, conceal, or alter any existing security lock or mechanism that restricts access to certain functionalities;
  • d) Use RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC for any purposes other than those expressly provided for in these Usage Policies.


9.1 - Service Level Control (SLA)

All efforts will always be made to keep the service available, fully operational, with the highest possible uptime rate. However, there is no guarantee of minimum service availability.

At any time, the provision of the service may be interrupted due to necessary technical issues in case of urgency, understood as those that jeopardize the regular operation of the shared server and those determined for the security of all clients against network vulnerabilities. These interruptions will last for the time necessary to address the problems.

9.2 - Lost Profits

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC has no relationship with advertisers, sponsors, and partners being advertised on the client's web radio or website. Therefore, in the event of any instability or failure to access the system, RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will be exempt from any compensation. It is hereby irrevocably established that the client is responsible for their advertisers, sponsors, and partners.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC recommends to its clients to include in their contracts with advertisers and other third parties the possibility of occasional unavailability.

9.3 - Interruptions Due to Excessive Use

Sudden increases in traffic or peaks in usage due to high-audience events may cause service interruption. It is necessary for the client to notify RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC in advance, even if their plan has features with UNLIMITED resources, to prevent automatic service interruption.

All clients (including those with plans featuring UNLIMITED characteristics) are in a shared environment and subject to a fair usage policy to maintain service integrity for all users. When there is excessive or unexpected use of resources for an extended period, there may be, total or partial, limitation of use to maintain quality, integrity, and proper functioning of the service for everyone. When this occurs, we will contact the client by opening a technical support ticket.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC is not responsible for any service interruption if it has not been notified in advance.


RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will provide technical support exclusively for set up and use of the provided service.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will not provide support for setting up sound boards or for the installation of sound drivers on the computer from which the streaming will be done. No support will be provided for setting up and using the programs necessary for management of the web radios.

The programs which RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC offers, only receive the audio from the computer used for streaming on the web radio.

If after the support has been provided, the computer is not meeting system requirements for the set up of the streaming programs, the client will be instructed to seek special technical support.

Technical support will be provided by helpdesk only, the response time is up to 1 business day.

Technical support may occur in a limited and differentiated manner, as specified in the contracted offer on our website.


11.1 - Suggestions for New Features

The client may suggest new features for the streaming platform and report bugs. RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will analyze each case and fix each problem, as well as develop new features at its own disclosure. All requests must be made exclusively through your RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC account.

11.2 - Feature removal

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC reserves the right to remove any feature from the streaming platform following notice 30-day in advance, for technical reasons or others.

11.3 - Custom Widget and others

The streaming platform features Custom Widget which allows the client to integrate the website with web services such as news, weather, statistics, etc. RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC is not responsible for misuse of this feature or hassles may occur, both visually (site layout) and page loading performance. from said misuse.

Through the use of the Custom Widget, the client should be aware of website column limitation and should respect its width in order to avoid site disfigurement.

The client is aware that they are the sole responsible for the use of the HTML editor available in the Custom Widget, news, events, etc, and that its misuse may lead to problems in visualization of web content. The client must use good judgement when creating the pages, news, widget, as well any other feature which allows for the use of HTML editors in order not to overload them with information, codes, images and such, so as not to impair the server or slow the streaming platform.

The client is aware that the widget integrated to “Twitter”, “Youtube”, “Vimeo” and any other third party service may not work properly when these services are going through instabilities and that RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC has no control over them, nor can it guarantee their functions, in which case the client must wait for service normalization.

11.4 - Client Responsibility

11.4.1 - Content

All content broadcasted through the streaming service is solely the client's responsibility. This includes audio streaming, website content, app, and any content resulting from user interaction on the website or app.

The payment of any taxes or charges resulting from the content shall be the client's responsibility.

11.4.2 - Account Information

It is the client's responsibility to maintain their account information updated at all times, especially their contact e-mails address. Failure to do so may result in the client not being informed of Terms and Conditions changes, service renewals, among other important matters. All changes in the account information must be reported to RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC.

11.4.3 - Users and access levels

The streaming platform allows for the creation of users with different levels of access. Therefore, the client is held solely responsible when granting other users access to the streaming platform.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will not be held responsible for data misuse by others authorized by the client or not.

11.4.4 - Breach of Data and Terms and Conditions violation

The client is aware and agrees that RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC is not responsible for the breach of stored data in the servers by individuals who were granted access by client, any breach resultant by criminal or irregular activities of third parties (hackers), any breach that could not be foreseen, or even the misuse of resources made available by the clients themselves.

The client assumes full responsibility for all damages resulting from use of the services and commits to compensate and exonerate RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC from any legal claim, including any damages demanded by third parties.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC reserves the right to suspend the client's service at any time, for whatever reason, without previous notice, when any infraction or breach of Terms and Conditions is detected; be those referent to USA law or acceptable norms of conduct.

The client's non-compliance of any obligation contained in these terms, will cause immediate suspension of services as a form of safekeeping other clients, will only lead to contract termination if the problems cannot be solved satisfactorily, at RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC discretion.

Ensuing suspension, the client will be informed of the reason for service interruption, in order to arrange the satisfactory technical adaptations to enable service once again.

The days in which the service is suspended WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED IN FUTURE CHARGES.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC has a zero tolerance policy regarding objectionable content. Objectionable content includes, but is not limited to: sexually explicit, defamatory, violent, pedophilia, nazism, racism, fraudulent and illegal content. This type of content will be moderated by RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC and, once confirmed, the account responsible will be canceled without the possibility of reactivation.

11.5 - Authorization for the Use of Trade Name, Trademark, and/or Logo

The client authorizes RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC to use its trade name, trademark, and/or logo, during the term of this agreement and without reference to its details, in RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC's client list, website, and advertising materials throughout the national and international territory, without any compensation being due in this regard.


The client agrees that RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC may alter the terms of this agreement as well as other documents referred in this agreement unilaterally.

Any amendments and changes in the Terms and Conditions, will become valid and applicable 30 days after its alterations.

Continued service use post alteration of Terms and Conditions will be understood as the client's tacit acceptance of new terms.

RADIOBOX/BRLOGIC will notify the client whenever any of the terms in this contract are altered, notifying the client through email or on the platform itself.

The client should periodically visit the Terms and Conditions available on our website and upon not agreeing with any of the terms request service cancelation.


RADIOBOX HOSTING LLC is a Delaware limited liability company, therefore it is subject to USA law.

The one and only competent jurisdiction for any legal issues, lawsuits, or questions referring to the application of these terms is in the State of Delaware, USA. The client hereby accepting these terms forfeits the right to choose any other legal jurisdiction.

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